As part of the Social Microbes residencies, Tiff Leek joined us to work for a month, collaborating with Dr. Elze Hesse, and with Wheal Martyn as an extra host. Tiff ran two workshops at Wheal Martyn with their arts for health social prescribing group, and with a group of home schooled kids, talking about the social microbes theme and making ceramic tiles of microbes and other life from around the site.

Tiff experimented with a method of making relief tiles, so that people with visual impairments could feel what was on them, and so that kids could do 'brass rubbings' from them for years to come. The result was two fantastic murals, one of the landscape at Wheal Martyn, and another about social microbes in post industrial landscapes:

The residencies have been funded via Elze Hesse's UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship.