
A mini-language for live coding pattern, Tidalcycles is for making music (among other patterned experiences) in terms of repetition, symmetry, interference and deviation.


Made in collaboration with Aphex Twin, the midimutant learns how to program your dx7 synth so you don't have to.


How can we make tools that help understand the ancient weaver's mind? How they calculated and solved the first recorded mathematical proofs, embedding them in pattern. How do certain forms of technology define our relationship with the world?


Tanglebots is a workshop format for children and their families, forming a messy introduction into weaving, robotics and coding. Tanglebots are prototype/failed weaving robots (weaving is quite hard, so we start with tangles and seeing what patterns emerge). We combine harvesting components from e-waste toys (motors, gears, electronics), and using visual programming (scratch) to control these components, to create robots that make tangles.


The AccessLab project aims to improve access to and the judgement of scientific information, through direct citizen-scientist pairings.

Greenspace Voxels

Visualising greenspace in cities in 3D using minecraft and physical models, using voxel data from full-waveform LiDAR.

Crab Camouflage

Citizen science game developed for the Natural History Museum in London, as part of their Colour and Vision exhibition 2016.

Red King

Turning information into sound can be a way to experience patterns in data differently in order to gain new insights. We worked with researchers at the University of Exeter to develop a sound-based epidemiology teaching tool.

Sonic Kayaks

The Sonic Kayak is a musical and scientific instrument with which to investigate nature. Kayaks rigged with underwater environmental sensors generate live music from the marine world, providing the paddler with an extra dimension of senses with which to explore the underwater climate, while enabling citizens to gather important climate/environmental data.

Cricket Tales

Crowdsourcing platform for tagging events in CCTV videos of insects, to understand insect personalities and how they might cope with climate change. New version now available for use in schools.