Code Club

Code club is a UK wide network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children aged 9-11. Since the start of 2013, Dave Griffiths has been working with Troon County Primary School in Cornwall, initially teaching Scratch Programming to make simple games and then as the young coders become more proficient - trying his best to keep up with what they are doing.
We have also been taking Scratch Programming to festivals, taking part in the Machines Tent at the Deershed Festival with Alex McLean and Martyn Eggleton - where we taught games programming on a specially built quad Raspberry Pi cube in the mornings and 'helped' with networked Minecraft gaming in the afternoons during the three day festival.
A big part of this activity is to research the use of livecoding technology in education, including the use of gamepads, dancemats and kinect for musical livecoding.